You can use the Monotype Corsiva to create interesting designs, covers, shop and store name and logos.
However, you need to contact the author for commercial use or for any support. Monotype Corsiva? is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Be aware that the Monotype Corsiva font is free for personal knowledge and use only. Monotype Type Drawing Office - Patricia Saundersĭigitized data copyright The Monotype Corporation 1991-1995. Corsiva can be used for short text passages in advertising but is best used to add sparkle to invitations, greeting cards and menus, and to give a sense of occasion to certificates and awards. The capitals are of swash design, with characteristic flourishes, designed primarily for use as initial letters. On this page you can download the font Monotype Corsiva version Version 2.
An italic typeface made in the style of the early Italian cursives, as exemplified by the work of the writing master Ludovico degli Arrighi in the sixteenth century.